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CRIME MAPPING (continued)

How Administrators of VOCA Victim Compensation Can Use GIS

Administrators of VOCA crime victim compensation may be interested in several of the preceding exhibit maps. The map showing California subgrantees can be overlaid with data from crime victim compensation claims to examine whether subgrantees are generating expected claims. Using the map showing the changes in the population of Nevada, administrators can examine whether there is an increase in crime and a commensurate increase in claims in areas with increased populations. They can use this information to plan outreach activities.


Questions To Consider (Exhibit 15)

  • What is the frequency of crime incidents and the frequency of victims receiving compensation?
  • How does this information affect outreach planning?
The true benefits of GIS technology are realized when data are shared and integrated into an organization’s daily operations. With access to crime data, administrators of VOCA crime victim compensation can quickly identify the locations of crime and crime victims. They can then more accurately predict the numbers and types of claims that will be generated from those locations. Exhibit 15 indicates the number of crime victims who received compensation in relation to the location of crimes in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and shows that applications are not coming from the areas where crime occurs. Discrepancies in the data may occur, however, if victims use their resident addresses to apply for compensation rather than the addresses of where the crime occurred. For more information, administrators of crime victim compensation could overlay a map of subgrantees with a map of claims applications to see if subgrantees are generating a sufficient number of applications.

Administrators of crime victim compensation can use the information on VAWA grants as shown in the State of Georgia (exhibit 16) to identify counties where additional service providers may be available to make referrals.

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Using Geographic Information Systems To Map Crime Victim Services:
A Guide for State Victims of Crime Act Administrators and Victim Service Providers
February 2003
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