Develop a SART
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Overcome Conflict

Evaluate the Cause

To help overcome disagreements, evaluate the underlying causes:9

Reason for Disagreement Potential Underlying Cause Possible Solutions
Need more information Repeated requests for additional detail could signal resistance rather than a need for more detail. Find out what level of detail is needed to make a decision.
Too many details During discussions, SART members may offer too many details that block discussions. Ask individuals what is the most important issue to address, and focus on that issue.
Not enough time Some team members may resist reaching a consensus because it takes too much time. Although time is often a problem, a preoccupation with it can signal resistance. Ask which topic should be given priority.
Not practical Members may feel the process of reaching consensus never works because SART members have different roles and responsibilities that cannot be negotiated. Ask if there are important issues that have been overlooked.
Confusion An inability to understand an issue under discussion can be a way to block the process. Clarify whether the confusion is about the issues or the process.
Silence Silence among team members doesn't imply agreement; it can be a sign that the process isn't working and that members are refusing to participate. Encourage everyone to share his or her ideas and opinions.
Moralizing When discussing controversial topics, team members may start to lecture, which can offend and stifle others. When members of the group are locked in an "either/or" conflict, calling for a "third way" that bridges and blends opposing viewpoints can be helpful.
Push for solutions Some members may complain that the ideas being discussed are impossible or may demand solutions rather than ideas. This could be about what members are unwilling to do rather than what cannot be done. Reframing, or providing another perspective, can often help individuals move forward.