Develop a SART
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Evaluating protocol implementation can help you understand how well the protocol facilitates the team's goals and objectives. Traditional measures of success in the criminal justice system (e.g., conviction rates, clearance rates, arrest statistics) only tell part of the story. You also must evaluate the team's effectiveness in meeting victims' needs.

Consider the following questions:12

  • What do we want to know from our evaluation?
  • Which data should we collect as part of our SART response?
  • How will we elicit feedback from victims and responders?
  • What would be the benefits or drawbacks in having a case review system?
  • What process will we use to collect feedback?
  • Who will evaluate the information received?
  • How often should we evaluate our SART?
  • Are sexual assault victims more satisfied with their treatment now than they were before the protocol was developed?
  • Does the coordinated involvement of different responders (e.g., advocates, law enforcement) result in better performance from all responders?