Develop a SART
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Sex Offender Management Professionals

Create Team Guidelines

To be effective, any management approach must include interagency and interdisciplinary teamwork and guidelines. For example—

  • The California Coalition on Sexual Offending developed position papers on Internet sex offender information posting, treatment guidelines, community containment, family resolution, use of polygraphs, and residence restrictions.
  • California and Wisconsin established sexual assault felony enforcement teams to reduce recidivism through community education, frequent contact with sex offenders, and monitoring of sex offender registration.88 These teams may be important allies for SARTs' long-term intervention and prevention efforts.
  • The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Kansas Department of Corrections to participate in building a comprehensive continuum of sex offender management strategies.

You may want to consider incorporating some of the following goals and strategies from the Kansas coalition into your SART. Specifically, they include89

  • Developing and implementing guidelines for coordinating the assessment, treatment, case management, release planning, transition, and supervision of sex offenders.
  • Following a risk/needs-driven case management strategy for sex offenders.
  • Fostering statewide collaboration between case managers, release/discharge planners, treatment providers, surveillance officers, victim service providers, and the parole board.
  • Following comprehensive database and data collection protocols and practices for guiding sex offender management.
  • Instituting release-planning protocols.
  • Adopting protocols, policies, and practices to address housing issues.
  • Instituting specialized staff training.

In addition to establishing interagency MOUs, developing sex offender protocols or guidelines will help you institutionalize sex offender management.