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Job Task Analysis

NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 58 Issue: 11 Dated: (November 1989) Pages: 9-13
T J Jurkanin
Date Published
5 pages
Illinois used an empirical research method called job task analysis as the basis of the development of training curricula for the police patrol position.
Job task analysis is the analytical process of determining the duties and activities of someone holding a job. This analysis is used to help establish the content validity of training and testing, in that it can be used to show a direct connection between the tasks performed on the job and the items in the training curriculum and testing. The Illinois study used job task information from earlier studies in California and Michigan and also added several job task statements. It translated the worker requirements for each job task statement into training and learning objectives. The learning objectives were grouped into 29 categories and used to develop a basic training curriculum and examination instrument for police recruits. Those successfully completing this program know that their curriculum is clearly relevant to the job they will perform. 7 reference notes.