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AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): The New Workplace Issues

NCJ Number
D L Bohl
Date Published
160 pages
Six papers and appendixes examine personnel, policy, case management, and education issues related to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the workplace.
Responses of companies in the San Francisco Bay Area to AIDS-related employment issues are reviewed, including corporate policy development, employee training programs, and counseling and referral through employee assistance programs. A question-and-answer section discusses management and employee response to coworkers with human immunodeficiency infection, AIDS antibody testing of employees, confidentiality issues, and employment discrimination against seropositive individuals. Reasons cited for failure to develop a corporate policy on AIDS are discussed, and a sample policy covering AIDS-related employment issues is provided. Guidelines are presented for planning and implementing an effective AIDS education program in the workplace, and information resources for such programming are described. A case study documents the cost containment potential of a utilization review and case management approach to AIDS and other catastrophic illness. Finally, legal issues related to AIDS in the workplace are discussed, including hiring, promotion, assignment, transfer policies, employee benefits, confidentiality, employee and customer reactions, and defining handicap. Appendixes cover workplace antibody testing, educational programming, and the impact of public perceptions on business patronage.


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