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Confronting AIDS: Update 1988

NCJ Number
Date Published
239 pages
These findings and recommendations of the Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Science's AIDS Activities Oversight Committee updates and supplements 'Confronting AIDS: Directions for Public Health, Health Care, and Research' (1986), which describes what was then known about AIDS.
Findings and recommendations pertinent to HIV infection and its epidemiology focus on the spectrum of HIV infection, modes and efficiencies of HIV transmission, and the prevalence and incidence of infection in the United States. Regarding the epidemic's course, the committee supports continued research to develop better ways to refine predictions about the future course of the AIDS epidemic and evaluate potential intervention strategies. Committee findings on the alteration of the epidemic's course address antidiscrimination protections, education, screening and testing for the HIV antibody, other public health measures, AIDS and intravenous drug abuse, and resources for public health measures. Committee recommendations on the care of infected persons address the care needs of special patients, the protection and training of health care providers, the costs of health care for persons with AIDS, financing health care for persons with AIDS and other HIV-infected persons, and possible financing mechanisms. Other major topics covered are the biology of HIV and biomedical research needs, the international aspects of AIDS and HIV infection, and the creation of a national commission on HIV infection and AIDS. Appended supplementary information, subject index.