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Issues In Responsibility

NCJ Number
Law and Contemporary Problems Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Dated: special issue (Summer (1986) Pages: 1-251
M P Golding
Date Published
252 pages
This special issue contains papers examining the philosophical and legal dimensions of individual responsibility delivered at a conference on responsibility, held in April 1985 and cosponsored by the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law of Duke University.
Papers presented by lawyers, philosophers, and a psychiatrist examine such issues as the causal link between an individual and perceived responsibility, the concepts of justification and excuse for criminal behavior, crime as an illness to be treated, and the relationship between crime and an individual's failure to act. The problems attendant to the use of statistical evidence are also discussed, along with prescribed responsibilities for those who would use statistical evidence. The special issue also contains a bibliography of books and periodical articles dealing with the subject of an individual's responsibility for his actions that is updated to include works published from 1961 to 1985.


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