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Child Sexual Assault: Confronting the Crisis

NCJ Number
L J Romano; A T Laszlo
M B Ayres
Date Published
211 pages
This manual is intended for use as a training and reference material for personnel from various disciplines who want to learn how to respond appropriately and effectively to alleged child sexual abuse in out-of-home child care settings.
The manual provides all the materials necessary for conducting a 3-day investigation training program detailed in 9 training modules. It includes a suggested training program outline, detailed lesson plans for eight basic areas and three elective areas, class handouts and case study exercises, bibliographies, a competency pre-test and post-test, and a sample program evaluation form. The manual containing the model guidelines includes sections on the development of a multidisciplinary team to investigate allegations, guidelines on investigation planning and preparation, investigation format, the management of the victim's parents, and stress management for investigators.