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Crime and Correction in Holland: A Commentary

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Dated: (September 1989) Pages: 151-159
G T Gitchoff
Date Published
9 pages
The author's tenet is that the humane penal system in the Netherlands that is supported by the low rate of crime can continue. The accompanying comments by W Buikhuisen dispute that view.
Noting that Holland's penal system is probably the most expensive, Gitchoff upholds the tradition of liberal and humane treatment of offenders. Sentences are generally not lengthy and community service is often an available option. The author warns that public demand for more restrictive and punitive measures, such as found in the U.S., may not reduce crime. In the accompanying "Imprisonment in Holland: Some Comments," Buikhuisen suggests that Gitchoff is ignoring society's pressures for a solution to the problem of increasing crime. Gitchoff's response emphasizes that he is urging government self-examination in its solution. 1 table.