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Social Control and Industrialization in Korea: On the Corporatist Control of Labor

NCJ Number
Korean Social Science Journal Volume: 13 Dated: (1986-1987) Pages: 95-123
S-H Young-Hee
Date Published
29 pages
This article examines how social control carried out by the government of the Republic of Korea is related to the Korean policy of industrialization.
Social control has become an element of successful industrialization of the Korean economy. Labor unions reflect the policy of social control for industrialization: they were structured and subsidized by the government, which also defined their legal activities. The corporatist State has thus created the structures, controls, and incentives that drive the work force in fulfillment of industrialization. The government's control is based on constraints on rather than inducements to labor. Economic growth has taken place at the price of distribution, however, and workers suffer from low wages and income inequality. Fruitful relationships between labor and management do not exist. As the numbers of workers increase, governmental social control will be used not only to perpetuate industrialization, but also to build export-oriented industrialization. 44 references.


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