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Sexual Abuse in a National Survey of Adult Men and Women: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Risk Factors

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Dated: (1990) Pages: 19-28
D Finkelhor; G Hotaling; I A Lewis; C Smith
Date Published
10 pages
The first national survey of adults concerning a history of childhood sexual abuse was conducted.
The Los Angeles Times Poll interviewed a sample of 2,626 American men and women 18 years of age or older, over the phone. Victimization was reported by 27 percent of the women and 16 percent of the men. Higher rates of abuse were found among men who grew up in unhappy families, lived for some period with only their mothers, who were currently residing in the West, and who came from English or Scandinavian heritage. Higher rates of abuse were found among women who grew up in unhappy families, lived for some period without one of their natural parents, received inadequate sex education, were currently residing in the West, or who were born after 1925. Most of the sexual experiences were at the hands of a person known to the child. Perhaps the two most interesting new findings seem to be the disproportion of disclosures from victims in California and those born in 1936-1945. 9 tables, 18 references. (Author abstract modified)


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