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Rejuvenation of the Public Service and the Mission of the Correctional Service of Canada: A Time To Grow

NCJ Number
Forum on Corrections Research Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: 1990 Pages: 23-25
A. Graham
Date Published
3 pages
The Correctional Service of Canada, a part of the Public Service of Canada, needs to focus not only on what has already been accomplished, but also on the challenges that remain.
The Public Service is not now representative of Canada. It is managed under legislation that is in need of reform. There are two underlying and contradictory trends for the Public Service in the next decades. The first is a need for a far more flexible and responsive Service that can reduce costs, cut through procedural impediments to action, and be much more client centered. The other trend is toward increased recognition for fair and unbiased action for those affected by government activity. Change must come from the top; management must have a common vision. A strategic framework for rejuvenation is provided by the Mission statement. One fundamental shift will be managerial emphasis from a process orientation to a results orientation and the flow of information will have to be up and down the system. This is vital for all levels to exercise their accountabilities within the organization and outward. (Publishers abstract modified)