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Effects of Media Violence on Children

NCJ Number
Archives of General Psychiatry Volume: 46 Dated: (April 1989) Pages: 376-379
L Heath; L Bresolin; R C Rinaldi
Date Published
5 pages
A small but genuine association appears to exist between media violence and aggressive behavior in children.
The effects of media violence on the behavior of children are controversial. Early laboratory studies suggested a direct relationship between watching aggression and behaving aggressively, particularly in instances where the real-life situation resembled the media one. Subsequent retrospective, quasilongitudinal, and longitudinal field studies have supported the presence of a relationship between viewing violence in the media and behaving violently. Variables that may underlie or mediate the effect include predisposition toward aggression, a violent family environment, identification with aggressive media characters, belief in the reality of the media, and the depicted consequences of media violence. Intervention programs seeking to ameliorate the relationship have not been very effective. 73 references. (Author abstract modified)


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