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Breaking the Routine

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 17 Issue: 5 Dated: (May 1990) Pages: 20-21,24
B Kolpak
Date Published
3 pages
Breaking old organizational patterns and solving problems effectively requires organizational innovation, personal development, and organizational development.
Organizational innovation is the process of conceiving and implementing new ideas, processes, or services. This involves problem definition through the acquisition and application of relevant information; coalition-building by developing internal support, finding resources, and cultivating assistance; and resource mobilization to solve the problem. A manager can become an innovator through personal development. This involves developing and using information sources, observing frontline operations, learning from the methods of other professionals, and identifying negative trends and searching for solutions. Appropriate organizational development can facilitate innovation. This involves the provision of structured avenues for employees to recommend and initiate change, encouragement of communications among organizational units, the selection of personnel with problemsolving and communication skills, and the development of managers who encourage innovation.