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Marketing Strategies for Justice Volunteer Programs: A Practical "How To" Guide

NCJ Number
J R Stone III; J Hanson-Stone
W F Winter
Date Published
40 pages
This monograph introduces a marketing approach that can be used to improve justice volunteer program design, delivery, and evaluation.
Marketing is important to justice volunteer programs for several reasons: marketing recruitment defines what is needed and what benefits are available and also offers incentives to prospective volunteers; marketing helps retain volunteers and enhances the organizational climate; and marketing improves public service, program efficiency, and legislative support. Five primary elements of the marketing mix are identified as product, place, price, promotion, and people. The monograph covers the development of a marketing philosophy for justice volunteer programs, a consumer-driven marketing model, and product marketing. Also incorporated are place, price, and people marketing strategies and promotion techniques. It is pointed out that marketing requires a commitment from all levels of an organization to work and that a key marketing strategy is one of adapting an organization to meet its consumer needs. Appendixes contain a marketing analysis form, guidelines to facilitate the development of a marketing plan, and a market planning worksheet. 25 references and 7 figures


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