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Technology Transfer (From Drug Abuse Prevention Intervention Research: Methodological Issues, P 248-263, 1991, Carl G. Leukefeld and William J. Bukoski, eds. - see NCJ-140135)

NCJ Number
S P Schinke; M A Orlandi
Date Published
16 pages
This discussion defines technology transfer and illustrates the stages of technology transfer in the field of drug abuse prevention.
This author defines technology transfer as a process through which methodologies and interventions for substance abuse prevention emerge from research and move into application. There are eight sequenced stages to technology transfer: basic research, applied research, technology development, evaluation, demonstration, adoption, application in practice, and obsolescence. Innovation concerns the evolution from one technology transfer process to another; it involves five stages including mobilization, adoption, implementation, maintenance, and evolution. The area of diffusion is central to transferring prevention techniques to agencies and individuals who need the knowledge in order to carry out their own programs. Technology development, target population factors, and environmental receptivity are identified as the three key factors that influence technology transfer. The process of technology transfer can be enhanced by sticking to basics, replicating studies, analyzing costs, and striving for high-quality dissemination. 16 references