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Teaching Your Child to Be Home Alone

NCJ Number
E A Grollman; G L Sweder
Date Published
152 pages
This book is intended to improve communication between parents and children who are left alone at home before and after school while their parents are at work.
The material is designed to help children and parents move through a step-by-step growth process to greater independence and to help parents assess whether their children have the ability, knowledge, and emotional readiness to be left home alone. The first two chapters set out common concerns of parents and children raised by this type of situation. Subsequent chapters discuss how to prepare for the unexpected, i.e., a stranger calling or coming to the door, disturbing telephone calls, and misplaced keys; and what children should do before and after school in terms of transportation, walking around the neighborhood, leaving the house, and having friends over. Two additional chapters cover steps to take in minor and major emergencies and other alarming situations. The final chapter presents a "test" to evaluate the child's readiness to stay home alone.