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Insecurity: History and Regulation

NCJ Number
H Lagrange; S Roche
Date Published
178 pages
This two-part document summarizes current research and theories on insecurity and the regulations and state of security in modern France and offers solutions. Part one reviews the nature of hostility, violence, fear, and anxiety in terms of feelings of insecurity; Part 2 looks at security in modern day political and social contexts: causes, effects, and solutions.
Part one details the history of insecurity in Europe through time, including spiritual and psychological effects of the human environment and nature as well as the role of the church. The role of criminal justice in the development of human insecurity is explained through analysis of development of human courage, violence, and honor and the impact of the family; increased social mobility and change, delinquency, and urban living; and the role of intellectuals, language, race, crime, and politics. Two key notions that impact current feeling of insecurity are discussed: cultural mobility and cultural networks. The authors conclude that increases in crime and insecurity in the last decade are due to the economic recession, negative socialization and educational outcomes, and an ethno- cultural conflict in the younger generation. Community policing is suggested as an effective solution to current insecurity problems, and programs from Houston (Texas), Chicago (Illinois), London (England), and Birmingham (England) are highlighted briefly as examples of modern solutions. numerous references