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Creating Non-Traditional Education Opportunities for Corrections Staff

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 56 Issue: 4 Dated: (July 1994) Pages: 158,160-163
R Andring
Date Published
5 pages
Correctional facilities can play an instrumental role in providing nontraditional educational opportunities for their staff, who may find it difficult to take advantage of courses offered at local colleges and universities.
One way to meet the educational needs of staff members is to bring colleges courses into the area by defining the market and joining other agencies, including fire service, police, and health care, to create a larger student base. Modern technology provides a variety of instructional means for students outside a typical classroom setting, including satellite uplinks, fiber optic and microwave transmission, teleconferencing facilities, local cable television services, and prerecorded telecourses. In addition, correctional staff may be able to take advantage of correspondence courses or on- site instruction provided by correctional educators. Agencies can help personnel further by fostering competition among public and private colleges in the area and by negotiating a lower tuition rate for staff.