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Department of Justice Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 1982: Hearing Before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, March 26, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
64 pages
Testimony by Attorney General William French Smith identifies the U.S. Justice Department's budget cuts for fiscal year 1982 and explains why the proposed cuts will not undermine Justice Department priorities.
The total fiscal year 1982 authorization request of approximately $2.3 billion and 52,655 positions is a decrease of $231 million and 2,114 positions from the fiscal year 1982 request submitted by the previous administration. The Attorney General argues that these budget cuts will not compromise those programs of highest priority to the Justice Department. In the area of law enforcement and criminal prosecution, the Justice Department will maintain the fight against organized crime and white-collar crime; in certain instances, resources are increased for these programs. The Justice Department is increasing resources for foreign counterintelligence and high-level narcotics trafficking. Some programs terminated by the cuts are the U.S. trustees' program and the juvenile justice program. Questions and answers from the hearing are also included.