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Ten Ideas for Effective Managers

NCJ Number
Federal Probation Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1996) Pages: 43-49
R R Wiggins
Date Published
7 pages
This article presents suggestions to strengthen individual and organizational performance.
Recognizing that there are significant differences and commonalities between public and private management, the article presents the following as generic ideas that should work well in a variety of organizational settings, the essence of ideas that are backed by extensive literature: (1) Cultivate positive personal relationships; (2) Remember that great leaders may be poor managers; (3) Use personal power, which is more effective than positional power; (4) Recognize that the purpose of organizational structure is to coordinate and communicate; (5) Recognize that organizational culture can be more effective than policy statements; (6) Use group activities to increase productivity and organizational intelligence; (7) Plan to succeed with strategic planning and program evaluation; (8) Enable organizational change by weakening restraining forces; (9) Focus on product rather than process; and (10) Reward the right kind of behavior. Tables, note, references