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From Ideology to Logistics: The Organizational Aspects of Syringe Exchange in a Period of Institutional Consolidation

NCJ Number
Substance Use & Misuse Volume: 33 Issue: 5 Dated: special issue (1998) Pages: 1213-1230
A R Henman; D Paone; D C Des Jarlais; L M Kochems; S R Friedman
Date Published
18 pages
The initial period in the establishment of needle exchange programs (NEPs) is often characterized by overt conflict between community AIDS activists and public officials and political leaders who remain ideologically opposed to the introduction of measures perceived as condoning illicit drug use.
In this context, professionals concerned with legitimizing NEPs may sometimes neglect aspects of everyday logistics and social organization and obscure important choices that have to be made to promote NEPs. In particular, formal institutions such as "storefront" or community-based NEPs and the model of syringe availability through pharmacies, vending machines, and user networks are viewed as complementary strategies that respond to diverse needs and target different populations rather than as an either/or choice. Advantages and disadvantages of each particular approach make it likely that maximum effectiveness will be achieved through a combination of every possible form of needle distribution, each tailored to specific and cultural circumstances. The NEP experience in New York City is examined, from the clandestine origin of NEPs in 1990 through their first years of official functioning between 1992 and 1996. 19 references


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