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Probation and Parole 1981

NCJ Number
Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin Dated: (August 1982) Pages: complete issue
J Maxwell
Date Published
4 pages
This report provides 1981 statistics and explanatory commentary on the number of persons on probation and parole nationwide.

The number of persons on probation and parole continues to grow, with the probation population increase for 1981 being more than 100,000 persons, from 1,118,097 to 1,222,024 (9 percent) and for parole 3,300, from 220,428 to 223,774 (less than 2 percent). Tabulated data are given for individual States arranged alphabetically by region. Brief program descriptions are offered of both probation and parole. A chart illustrates the total adult population under correctional supervision at year-end 1981. Charts and tables are given.