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New Field Kit for Bullet Hole Identification

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1984) Pages: 169-176
M Steinberg; Y Leist; M Tassa
Date Published
8 pages
The identification of bullet marks and holes is very often essential in criminal cases. The common methods for the determination of trace metals around bullet holes are used in the laboratory and not at the scene of the crime. The application of atomic absorption spectrophotometry and the spot test technique for the determination of lead and copper is reported.
Data obtained by test firing a variety of weapons indicated that the spot test technique can be adapted successfully for the identification of bullet holes. Subsequently, a new kit was developed that facilitates a simple, reliable, and sensitive method for identifying these holes and other suspected marks at the scene of a crime by nonscientific field personnel (Author abstract)


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