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Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census of 1973

NCJ Number
Date Published
82 pages
This codebook includes a study description, a discussion of data collection and sampling, as well as a list of the variables and coding used for the data set from the Bureau of the Census' 1973 survey of State and local juvenile residential facilities.
The variables covered the type of facility, administering agency, number of admissions by type of admission and sex, discharges, quarterly resident population by detention status and sex, number of residents adjudicated delinquent or declared in need of supervision, facility capacity, residents' ages, average length of stay, staffing, staff vacancies, and facility expenditures. The data file contains information on 794 juvenile facilities. Appendixes contain definitions, counties by name, the OSIRIS III Type 3 dictionary description, and a discussion of data problems and errors.