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Never Say Yes to a Stranger - What Your Child Must Know to Stay Safe

NCJ Number
S Newman
Date Published
126 pages
Designed to be read aloud by parents to their children from preschool age on up, this book uses short photographic scenarios to teach children how to recognize and deal with potentially hazardous situations in which a stranger might abduct them.
An introduction explains to parents why they need to give their children the knowledge and skills to deal with dangers and how to use the book. Each of the 10 scenarios illustrates a different hypothetical situation that any child is likely to encounter. Situations include the use of a kitten as a lure, approaching a child to take her home from school, and approaching a child in a toy department and enticing her with a gift. Other situations include ringing a doorbell and asking to use the telephone when the child is home alone, pretending to be disabled and asking for help loading groceries into a car, and accepting a ride from a stranger offering an ice cream cone. Children are advised to know how to use a pay phone, to carry a list of emergency telephone numbers, to have a prearranged code word with their parents, and to avoid wearing a house key around their necks. Additional practical suggestions are given.