Develop a SART
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Collecting Evaluation Data: An Overview of Sources and Methods       
Covers sources and methods of data collection.

The Community Tool Box
Provides resources for identifying local needs and resources, conducting public forums and listening sessions, collecting information, conducting focus groups, conducting needs assessment surveys, identifying community assets and resources, developing baseline measures, determining service utilization, and conducting interviews and surveys.

Dawn Ontario DisAbled Women's Network
Includes a comprehensive table of contents for accessing information about various technologies, such as computers and assistive/adaptive technologies, and frequently asked questions.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Data Collection Systems in the States, Final Report
Describes law enforcement and service provider databases at 12 sites and recommends using offense and relationship codes that are compatible with the National Incident-Based Crime Reporting System (NIBRS), developing initiatives to analyze and validate data being collected, and developing linkages among the various state data systems that collect sexual assault information.

Evaluating Data Collection and Communication System Projects Funded Under The STOP Program, Executive Summary
Highlights the most common uses of STOP grant funds for data collection. The research concludes that accurate and reliable data systems are an essential element of coordinated community responses.

In This Toolkit: Intake and Outcome-Based Form (Word)
Includes various data collection forms, such as those dealing with accompaniment data, crisis intervention, education, followup data, hotline data, peer and therapeutic counseling, volunteer trainer data, volunteer data, and client satisfaction data.

INFONET: The development, implementation, and operation of a web-based information system for victim service providers in Illinois
Describes how agencies use data, the way the INFONET system is structured, and critical issues.

Law Enforcement Tech Guide for Communications Interoperability: A Guide for Interagency Communications Projects
Provides a background on communication interoperability and tools for carrying out technology initiatives.

Law Enforcement Tech Guide for Information Technology Security: How to Assess Risk and Establish Effective Policies
Provides strategies, best practices, and recommendations for developing and implementing security policies for information technology. The manual can help SARTs identify and assess interagency security risks.

Law Enforcement Tech Guide for Small and Rural Police Agencies: A Guide for Executives, Managers, and Technologists
Offers strategies, best practices, recommendations, and ideas for successful information technology planning and implementation for small and rural police agencies.

Managing Agency and Community-change Initiative Data: Guidelines for Software Selection
Covers organizational steps for data management, timetables, types of software, and customizing data.

National Association for Justice Information Systems
An organization of individuals responsible for acquiring, operating, and managing local, state, and federal criminal justice information systems.

National Victim Assistance Academy Textbook, Chapter 21: Innovative Technologies and the Information Age
Describes how technology enhances services for victims and service providers, the benefits of and barriers to using innovative technologies, and promising technological practices.

PM Builder: Instrument Development Checklist and Sample
Serves a good example of a survey instrument, with accompanying instructions for setting it up.

Quick Health Data Online
Provides state- and county-level data for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. Data reports are available by gender, race, and ethnicity and come from various sources. Categories include demographics, reproductive health, violence, prevention, disease, and mental health.

Rape in the 50 States
Reviews the prevalence of rape in each of the 50 states. The report includes an estimate of the number and percentage of adult women who have been raped, a comparison of the magnitude of the problem in each state with that of the Nation at large, and a discussion of factors that increase the risk of being attacked.

SANE Program National Database
Assists SARTs in setting up procedures for obtaining important feedback information, evaluating results, and comparing results to those in other regions.

Tips for Getting Technology Funding
Discusses six ways to improve the prospect of getting technology funding.

Using Technology To Enable Collaboration
Summarizes the collaborative effort and needs assessment that were critical to the conception and development of an online resource directory, an online training center, and an automated, online client case management system. The bulletin describes technology components and their implementation and suggests how communities can develop and maintain the same or similar technology-based initiatives.

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System
Enhances and improves the collection of statewide data from all victims who use the services of local domestic violence programs and sexual assault centers.