Develop a SART
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Types of Evaluation

Outcome Evaluation

[Teams] that establish clear outcomes from the beginning are more likely to construct a way to have those results achieved. [Teams] that don't establish outcomes from the beginning are left saying 'what happened?'11

Outcome evaluations look specifically at whether SARTs achieve their goals and if their activities had the intended effect on victims and service providers. If you don't have an appropriate survey tool to measure outcomes, consider taking the following actions when creating a new tool.12

  • Ask how your success can best be measured. What are the intended outcomes? How will the team know if it has succeeded? What will change? By how much?
  • Prioritize your SART's outcomes based on all stakeholders' concerns and needs. What outcomes do funders want to see? What outcomes do law enforcement and prosecution and want to see? What do advocates want to see?
  • Collaborate with all stakeholders when developing your measurement tool. Involve funders, SART agencies, culturally specific community organizations, institutions of higher education, faith-based organizations, and allied professionals such as researchers, public health officials, and policymakers. Their inclusion will ensure buy-in for SART's goals and objectives.
  • When writing survey questions, consider your SART's context, scope, and purpose. Questions should be answerable and measurable and should measure changes that you can realistically hope to achieve.
  • Ask single-focus questions. Avoid double-barreled or multiple-component questions.