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Added August 2011DNA

Ninety-nine percent of all human DNA is exactly alike. The other one percent is used in DNA testing because it is different from person to person. . . . This one percent of unique DNA is what makes DNA so useful in criminal investigations.3

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) can be found in any human cell including hair, saliva, blood, and semen. It determines individuals’ physical characteristics such as eye, hair, and skin color. DNA evidence can be an invaluable tool for identifying and holding perpetrators accountable because it can provide critical information about the offender as well as corroborate the survivor’s account of what happened during the incident.

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DNA & Crime Victims: What Victims Need to Know Covers the basic science of DNA, evidence collection, samples and sources of DNA, profiles and databases, and post-conviction DNA.

Forensic DNA Fundamentals for the Prosecutor: Be Not Afraid Describes nuclear DNA, DNA and STR technology, mitochondrial DNA, forensic identification statistics, the use of DNA evidence in criminal investigations, and prosecution and trial issues.

National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Forensic DNA
Describes forensic DNA, the Combined DNA Index System, processing backlogs, using DNA to solve crimes, and other related information and includes tools for forensic scientists and laboratories.

Sexual Assault Training & Investigations, Publications by Joanne Archambault Features publications from the president and training director for the consulting firm Sexual Assault Training and Investigations Inc. The implications of DNA for law enforcement investigations and the dynamics of sexual assault are covered.

Understanding DNA Evidence: A Guide for Victim Service Providers Explores the information acquired from DNA, forensic DNA testing, and the relevance of DNA to criminal investigations.