Develop a SART
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Developing the Plan

Reach Out to Supporters

You will need to determine ways to convey the benefits of your SART to specific groups, which could be as simple as explaining the benefits to individuals and organizations by phone or sending letters that underscore the value of your SART while requesting support. Or, you could write a more detailed proposal that leads to a memorandum of understanding or agreement between your SART and other agencies. Whatever form your outreach takes, let potential supporters know the following:

  • Exactly what sort of support you need (or an invitation to meet and discuss the details).
  • When you want the support to begin (and, if applicable, end).
  • Why they should be interested.
SART Models as Strong Predictors

When conveying the benefits of your SART to potential supporters in the community, consider relaying the following information:

  • SART cases are reported more quickly, have more evidence (DNA evidence in particular) available, and have more victim participation.
  • SANE/SART intervention is a factor in the identification and arrest of suspects and the strongest predictor that charges will be filed.
  • SANE/SART intervention helps to increase the likelihood of conviction.

Source: M. Elaine Nugent-Borakov, Patricia Fanflick, David Troutman, Nicole Johnson, Ann Burgess, and Annie Lewis O'Connor, Testing the Efficacy of SANE/SART Programs: Do They Make a Difference in Sexual Assault Arrest and Prosecution Outcomes?, 2006.

Make sure you create an outreach timeline to indicate the various actions to be taken, when they should occur, and who should take them. Organize the timeline by each sustainability goal. Feel free to use the chart below or one similar to it.8

Community Outreach Timeline
Goal Action Steps To Meet the Objective By Whom By When Date Completed