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Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault


Drug Information

Club Drugs
Links to information from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Date Rape Drugs: FAQs
Focuses on MDMA, ketamine, GHB, Rohypnol, and alcohol as date rape drugs.

Designer Drugs and Raves
Examines rave culture, rave-related drugs, and drug-facilitated sexual assault.

Drug Information, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Provides facts on the appearance, usage, marketing, and dangers of different drugs, including Ecstasy, GHB, ketamine, and Rohypnol.

Patterns of Club Drug Use in the U.S., 2004
Examines the usage and effects of club drugs such as MDMA, GHB, ketamine, LSD, methamphetamine, and Rohypnol.

Project GHB
Includes information on GHB, MDMA, and ketamine, and a special section on prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Toxicity: Gamma-Hydroxybuterate
Focuses on GHB.


Alcohol and Sexual Assault
Covers the prevalence and common characteristics of sexual assault and alcohol-involved sexual assault, how alcohol contributes to sexual assault, general research on alcohol's effects on aggressive and sexual behavior, and alcohol's effects in sexual assault situations.

Beyond "Drink Spiking": Drug and Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault
Reviews the prevalence of spiking drinks and drug-facilitated sexual assault and considers the discrepancy between victim-based prevalence estimates and those based on forensic investigation following a report to police.

Drug-Facilitated, Incapacitated, and Forcible Rape: A National Study
Addresses key characteristics of cases involving drug-facilitated and forcible rapes, including the percentage of cases that involve injury, whether they involve stranger versus known perpetrators, whether they are reported to law enforcement, whether they involve receipt of medical care, and whether they enter the criminal justice system.

Drug-Facilitated Rape: Looking for the Missing Pieces
Reviews drug-facilitated sexual assault and appropriate service provider responses.

Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault
Provides an overview of drug-facilitated sexual assault, reviews drugs commonly used, and describes what to do if you suspect you’re a victim of drug-facilitated sexual assault.

Estimate of the Incidence of Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault in the U.S.
Reviews a study that sought to provide an improved estimate of the rate of drug-facilitated sexual assault and to examine social aspects linked to it.

Substance Abuse and Victimization
Focuses on the relationship between substance abuse and victimization, techniques for assisting victims who abuse drugs or alcohol, and the importance of collaboration in assisting victims with substance abuse issues.

What Happened? Alcohol, Memory Blackouts, and the Brain
Describes alcohol-induced blackouts, blood alcohol concentrations and blackouts, the use of other drugs during blackouts, how alcohol impairs memory, and other brain regions involved in alcohol-induced memory impairments.


Intoxicating Encounters: Allocating Responsibility in the Law of Rape
Discusses legal responsibility and alcohol-facilitated sexual assault.

Practitioners' Manual—The Prosecution of Rohypnol and GHB Related Sexual Assaults
Serves as a quick reference for prosecutors and law enforcement on Rohypnol, GHB, and investigation and prosecution strategies.

Prosecuting Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault
Discusses the prosecution of alcohol-facilitated sexual assault with a special focus on this type of crime when the victim is voluntarily intoxicated.

Understanding Sexual Violence: Prosecuting Adult Rape and Sexual Assault Cases
Explores victim impact, social science research, evidence collection techniques, medical research, and information about sex offenders to inform and assist in case prosecution.

Protocols, Tips, and Guidelines

Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Alert Sheet
Focuses on drug-facilitated sexual assault.

Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Bulletin
Covers sample collection, effects and indicators of drug-facilitated sexual assault, and evidence submission.

Guidelines for Medico-Legal Care for Victims of Sexual Violence
Focuses on medical treatment and social services for victims of sexual assault and child sexual abuse.

Medical Facility Management of Sexual Assault, Department of the Army
Reviews responses to drug-facilitated sexual assault, based on the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations.

A National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations, Chapter 7: Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault
Reviews responses to drug-facilitated sexual assault, including the training, development of policies, response to voluntary use of drugs and alcohol, testing procedures, sample collection, toxicology labs, and preservation of evidence and chain of custody.

New York State Sexual Offense and Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits
Serves as a protocol for hospital personnel to use when collecting evidence.

The Response to Sexual Assault: Removing Barriers to Services and Justice
Includes recommendations for addressing drug-facilitated sexual assault and best practices.

State of New York Protocol for the Acute Care of the Adult Patient Reporting Sexual Assault
Addresses drug-facilitated sexual assault and provides screening forms, blood and urine specimen collection instructions, a sample screening form, and a laboratory information form.


Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Toxicology Request, Supplemental Report and External Chain of Custody (Word)
Serves as a sample toxicology request form.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory Services
Provides forensic and technical services at no cost to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Laboratory examiners can provide expert witness testimony regarding the results of forensic examinations and provide technical assistance for drug-facilitated sexual assault.

Forensic Toxicology Laboratories
Lists forensic toxicology laboratories in Europe and the United States.

Forensic Toxicology Laboratory Accreditation Manual
Establishes and enhances voluntary standards for the practice of forensic toxicology.

San Diego Police Department: Sex Crime Toxicology Request Form
Serves as a sample toxicology request form.