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May, 2012

Your Search found 50 records.
Subject Total Subject Total
International Criminology17International Drugs7
International Gangs3International Juveniles11
International Police5International Victims7
To download selected abstracts, check the box next to the item(s) and click the "Download" button located in the upper right corner of the page.
International Criminology
1. Changing Control of the Open Drug Scenes in Oslo Crime, Welfare, Immigration Control, or a Combination?
 NCJ Number:  237640
 Author:  Ida Nafstad
 Journal: Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention  Volume:12  Issue:2  Dated:2011  Pages:128 to 152
 Publication Date:  2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
2. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Across the Globe: A Comparative Study of Regulatory Action
 NCJ Number:  237771
 Author:  Julie Walters ; Carolyn Budd ; Russell G. Smith ; Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo ; Rob McCusker ; David Rees
 Publication Date:  2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
3. Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Risks to Australian Non-Profit Organisations
 NCJ Number:  237772
 Author:  Samantha Bricknell ; Rob McCusker ; Hannah Chadwick ; David Rees
 Publication Date:  2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
4. Trade Based Money Laundering: Risks and Regulatory Responses
 NCJ Number:  237773
 Author:  Clare Sullivan ; Evan Smith
 Publication Date:  2011
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5. Cyber-Security: The Vexed Question of Global Rules
 NCJ Number:  238121
 Author:  Brigid Grauman
 Publication Date:  02/2012
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6. Hate Symbols and Hand Gestures on Polish Stadiums
 NCJ Number:  238429
 Author:  Justyna Jurczak
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July-Dcember 2010  Pages:59 to 72
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library
7. Transnational Organized Crime - Ten Years of the Palermo Convention
 NCJ Number:  238432
 Author:  Zdzislaw W. Galicki
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:87 to 101
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library
8. Peculiarities of Investigating and Disclosing of the Crimes Committed by Organized Criminal Groups in the Republic of Lithuania
 NCJ Number:  238434
 Author:  Anna Piltoyan ; Vladimir Kramarenko
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:113 to 118
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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9. Contemporary Problems of Fighting Organized Crime and Corruption in the Conditions of World Financial and Economic Crisis
 NCJ Number:  238435
 Author:  Tatiana Volcheckaya
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:119 to 125
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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10. Implementation of the Extended Confiscation Regulations
 NCJ Number:  238437
 Author:  Piotr Starzynski
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:141 to 160
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library
11. Concept of Financial Investigation in the Polish and International Specialist Literature
 NCJ Number:  238438
 Author:  Krzysztof Wiciak ; Piotr Starzynski
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:161 to 171
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library
12. Consideration of Local Teleological Component of Armed Conflicts as an Important Factor for Civilian Police Efficiency Within International Peacekeeping Operations
 NCJ Number:  238439
 Author:  Volodymyr Piadyshev
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:173 to 180
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library
13. Guidelines for Drafting Weapon-Related Crime Strategic Analysis
 NCJ Number:  238440
 Author:  Pawel Suchanek
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:181 to 193
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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14. Coordination of the Anti-Terror Activities in the Republic of Poland
 NCJ Number:  238442
 Author:  Kuba Jaloszynski
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:201 to 210
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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15. Scientific and Technological Cooperation Aimed at Countering and Fighting Organized Crime and Terrorism in Accelerated and Sustainable Socio-Economic Growth
 NCJ Number:  238443
 Author:  Jerzy Kosinski
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:211 to 219
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library
16. Value Guidelines and Social Roles in the Sub-Culture of Hackers
 NCJ Number:  238445
 Author:  Serghey Maslenchenko
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:229 to 242
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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17. Effect of Arrest and Imprisonment on Crime
 NCJ Number:  238452
 Author:  Wai-Yen Wan ; Steve Moffatt ; Craig Jones ; Don Weatherburn
 Publication Date:  02/2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library

International Drugs
18. International Narcotics Control Board 2011 Report
 NCJ Number:  238227
 Publication Date:  01/2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
19. Guide on Estimating Requirements for Substances Under International Control
 NCJ Number:  238228
 Publication Date:  02/2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
20. Guidelines for Governments on Preventing the Illegal Sale of Internationally Controlled Substances Through the Internet
 NCJ Number:  238229
 Publication Date:  02/2009
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
21. Understanding the Spice Phenomenon
 NCJ Number:  238359
 Author:  Roumen Sedefov ; Ana Gallegos ; Les King ; Dominique Lopez ; Volker Auwarter ; Brendan Hughes ; Paul Griffiths
 Publication Date:  2009
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
22. Definition of 'Drug Mules' for Use in a European Context
 NCJ Number:  238360
 Publication Date:  2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
23. Law Enforcement and Khat: An Analysis of Current Issues
 NCJ Number:  238478
 Author:  Heather Douglas ; Merali Pedder ; Nicholas Lintzeris
 Publication Date:  2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
24. Decrease in Use of Ecstasy/MDMA
 NCJ Number:  238493
 Author:  Josh Sweeney ; Sarah Macgregor
 Publication Date:  02/2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library

International Gangs
25. Who Can You Believe? Complexities of International Street Gang Research
 NCJ Number:  237488
 Author:  Malcolm W. Klein
 Journal: International Criminal Justice Review  Volume:21  Issue:3  Dated:September 2011  Pages:197 to 207
 Publication Date:  9/2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
26. Comparative Study of Youth Gangs in China and the United States: Definition, Offending, and Victimization
 NCJ Number:  237490
 Author:  Vincent J. Webb ; Ling Ren ; Jihong Zhao ; Ni He ; Ineke Haen Marshall
 Journal: International Criminal Justice Review  Volume:21  Issue:3  Dated:September 2011  Pages:225 to 242
 Publication Date:  09/2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
27. Cross-National Comparison of Gangs in the United States and Trinidad and Tobago
 NCJ Number:  237491
 Author:  Charles M. Katz ; Edward R. Maguire ; David Choate
 Journal: International Criminal Justice Review  Volume:21  Issue:3  Dated:September 2011  Pages:243 to 262
 Publication Date:  09/2011
 Abstract   PDF   

International Juveniles
28. Deviant Youth Groups in 30 Countries: Results From the Second International Self-Report Delinquency Study
 NCJ Number:  237489
 Author:  Uberto Gatti ; Sandrine Haymoz ; Hans M. A. Schadee
 Journal: International Criminal Justice Review  Volume:21  Issue:3  Dated:September 2011  Pages:208 to 224
 Publication Date:  09/2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
29. Adolescents' Experiences of Parental Violence in Danish and Finnish Families: A Comparative Perspective
 NCJ Number:  237642
 Author:  Noora Ellonen ; Juha Kaariainen ; Heikki Sariola ; Karin Helweg-Larsen ; Helmer Boving Larsen
 Journal: Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention  Volume:12  Issue:2  Dated:2011  Pages:173 to 197
 Publication Date:  2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
30. Prevalence of Stalking Among Finnish University Students
 NCJ Number:  237832
 Author:  Katja Björklund ; Helinä Häkkänen-Nyholm ; Lorraine Sheridan ; Karl Roberts
 Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Violence  Volume:25  Issue:4  Dated:April 2010  Pages:684 to 698
 Publication Date:  04/2010
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
31. Perceptions of Rape and Attitudes Toward Women in a Sample of Lebanese Students
 NCJ Number:  237835
 Author:  Maria J. Rebeiz ; Charles Harb
 Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Violence  Volume:25  Issue:4  Dated:April 2010  Pages:735 to 752
 Publication Date:  04/2010
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
32. Youth (In)Justice: Oral Language Competence in Early Life and Risk for Engagement in Antisocial Behaviour in Adolescence
 NCJ Number:  238296
 Author:  Pamela Snow ; Martine Powell
 Publication Date:  04/2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
33. Technical and Background Paper: Measuring Juvenile Recidivism in Australia
 NCJ Number:  238297
 Author:  Kelly Richards
 Publication Date:  2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
34. Child Protection and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
 NCJ Number:  238364
 Author:  Claire Berlyn ; Leah Bromfield ; Alister Lamont
 Publication Date:  04/2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
35. Promising Interventions for Preventing Indigenous Juvenile Offending
 NCJ Number:  238366
 Author:  Kelly Richards ; Lisa Rosevear ; Robyn Gilbert
 Publication Date:  03/2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
36. Don't Go There: Young People's Perspectives on Community Safety and Policing: A Collaborative Research Project with Victoria Police, Region 2 (Westgate)
 NCJ Number:  238372
 Author:  Michele Grossman ; Jenny Sharples
 Publication Date:  05/2010
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
37. ACT Youth Justice System 2011: A Report to the ACT Legislative Assembly by the ACT Human Rights Commission
 NCJ Number:  238373
 Author:  Alasdair Roy ; Dr. Helen Watchirs
 Publication Date:  07/2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
38. Race or Reason?: Police Encounters with Young People in the Flemington Region and Surrounding Areas
 NCJ Number:  238374
 Publication Date:  2011
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library

International Police
39. Pharmaceutical Drug use Among Police Detainees
 NCJ Number:  238293
 Author:  Simon Ng ; Sarah Macgregor
 Publication Date:  02/2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
40. Drug Use Monitoring in Australia: 2009-10 Report on Drug use Among Police Detainees
 NCJ Number:  238294
 Author:  Josh Sweeney ; Jason Payne
 Publication Date:  2012
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
41. Cultural and Organizational Change Through Ethical Approach: The Case of the Municipal Police of Lausanne
 NCJ Number:  238430
 Author:  Pierre-Alain Raemy
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July-December 2010  Pages:73 to 80
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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42. Stockholm Programme and Its Relevance for European Police Education
 NCJ Number:  238431
 Author:  Michiel Holtackers
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July-December 2010  Pages:81 to 86
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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43. Fundamental Problems of Fighting Terrorism and Sabotage by the Police
 NCJ Number:  238441
 Author:  Bernard Wisniewski
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:195 to 199
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library

International Victims
44. Violence Against Primary Health Care Workers in Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia
 NCJ Number:  237834
 Author:  Abdel-Hady El-Gilany ; Adel El-Wehady ; Mostafa Amr
 Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Violence  Volume:25  Issue:4  Dated:April 2010  Pages:716 to 734
 Publication Date:  04/2010
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
45. Japanese Women's Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
 NCJ Number:  237836
 Author:  Miyoko Nagae ; Barbara L. Dancy
 Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Violence  Volume:25  Issue:4  Dated:April 2010  Pages:753 to 766
 Publication Date:  04/2010
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
46. Homicide-Suicide in Durban, South Africa
 NCJ Number:  237850
 Author:  Kerry Roberts ; Douglas Wassenaar ; Silvia Sara Canetto ; Anthony Pillay
 Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Violence  Volume:25  Issue:5  Dated:May 2010  Pages:877 to 899
 Publication Date:  05/2010
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
47. Help-Seeking Behaviors and Reasons for Help Seeking Reported by a Representative Sample of Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in New Zealand
 NCJ Number:  237853
 Author:  Janet L. Fanslow ; Elizabeth M. Robinson
 Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Violence  Volume:25  Issue:5  Dated:May 2010  Pages:929 to 951
 Publication Date:  05/2010
 Abstract   PDF   Find in a Library
48. Trafficking in Human Beings as an Extreme Problem in Ukraine
 NCJ Number:  238427
 Author:  Olena Vasylenko
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July-December 2010  Pages:33 to 43
 Publication Date:  12/2010
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49. Domestic Violence: Notions, Mechanisms and Administrative-Legal Measures in Preventing Domestic Violence in the Republic of Kazakhstan
 NCJ Number:  238428
 Author:  Saule Saparalijeva
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July-December 2010  Pages:45 to 58
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library
50. Human Trafficking and Ways to Battle It During the World Economic Crisis
 NCJ Number:  238433
 Author:  Ekaterina Osipova
 Journal: Internal Security  Volume:2  Issue:2  Dated:July - December 2010  Pages:103 to 111
 Publication Date:  12/2010
 Abstract   Find in a Library